Only then you will know what is the virtue of this prayer. Do read the English translation of Dua-e-Qunoot too! If you know how to recite Dua Qunoot, then you should also understand its translation. You need to read this: – Dua for Head Pain in Roman English “Allahumma Inna Nastaee Nuka Wa Nastag Firuka Wa Nu minu Beka Wa Na Ta waqqalu Alaika Wa Nusni Alaikal Khaira Wa Nash Quruka Wala Naq Furuka Wa Nakh La-oo Wa Natruku Mai Yafjuruka,Īllah Humma Iyyaka Na’Budu Wa La ka Nusalli Wa Nasjudu Wa Ilaika Nas Aaa Wa Nahfidu Wa Narju Rah mataka Wa Nakhshaa Azaabaka Inna Azaabaka Bil Kuffari Mulhik.” 📌Note:- Before reciting any Dua read Auzubillahi Minash Satanirrajim Bismillah Hirrahma Nirrahim only after that read Dua.ĭua e Qunoot in Roman English Transliteration In fact, Dua Qunoot is a very powerful prayer and you can guess from this that Dua e Qunoot has been declared Wajib in Witr’s prayer. Why is it important to remember Dua E Qunoot? Some questions and answers related to Dua-e-Qunoot.Dua e Qunoot in Roman English Transliteration.Why is it important to remember Dua E Qunoot?.